Eyelash extensions or semi-permanent eyelash extensions are extremely different from temporary strip or individual lashes. Semi-permanent ones are applied by hand one lash at a time by a qualified technician who fastens the extensions on top of your actual lashes. Note they should never be attached to your skin. They can last for six to eight weeks with proper care and remain on your natural lashes until they organically fall out with natural lash, as all natural lashes do.
As the lash extensions are attached to the base of your natural eye lash there are no issues with using eyeliner, although you will probably find that with the application of lash extensions being uniform in colour and thickening the base of your natural lashes that eyeliner is not necessary. If you do where eyeliner then it is recommended that care be taken when removing it. Do not use an oil-based makeup remover, as oil-based products may negatively affect the glue and use cleansing wipes rather than cotton balls or Q-tips.
As for mascara, while you can apply mascara, it is not recommended as the brush could potentially pull on your lashes and cause them to be damaged, loosened, or removed. Plus, you should find you don’t need any at all once you’ve got these!
If however you are going to use mascara you should avoid waterproof mascara and should only apply mascara at the tips of lashes.
Once the adhesive has cured your eyelash extensions are only likely to fall out with your natural lashes, so adjustment to your lifestyle shouldn't have to change much. It should be noted that activities that make your natural lashes fall out quicker, such as rubbing your eyes vigourously, sleeping on your stomach, etc will obviously have an affect on the life of the extensions.
The common belief is that the curing process will take up to 24hrs from application however with Master Lashes formulated bonding agent we believe that most activities can be undertaken within 2 hours of application.
If eyelash extensions are applied by qualified professionals who understand the risks associated with eyelash extensions and the importance of hygene, insist on high quality products such as lashes and glues and ensure the sterilisation of equipment, then the process will not ruin the health of your natural lashes or have adverse effects on your health. You may have to pay a little more for these things, but a cheap set of lashes by an unqualified technician may do more than damage your lashes.
Historically when the lash industry was in it's infancy there were only two different types of lashes. One was thick and glossy like the mink's fur and surprise, suprise we called these 'mink lashes'. The other was fine with a matt finish like silk fabric, and yes you guessed it we called these 'silk lashes'.
As the industry developed, the types and styles of lashes adjusted to address the individual nature of the client, their needs, their eye shape and their natural lash textures.
Today we have 100s of lash types with varying lengths, thicknesses, curls and colours.
However there is one thing that has not changed from the first eye lash extension ever placed to the one you have placed on your lashes today.
You may read that the lashes are brushed from the fur of a 'virgin' mink or that only the finest silk is used in the production of our lashes, but rest assured this is about as true as a politician's promise
A lash lift uses chemicals to soften your natural lashes so they can be manipulated in to place. Lash extensions place a synthetic lash or lashes onto your natural lash to give shape and volume to your desired effect.
Lash lifts can damage your lashes which may take up to a year to recover from. This risk increases every time you undertake a lash lift. Lash extensions, if applied by a trained professional, can be applied continuously with little to no damage to your natural lashes.
That's why at Master Lashes we don't do or recommend lash lifts